K9 Asset Protection LTD

K9 Units
K9 Units
Our teams are trained to work in line with the Guard Dogs Act 1975 and The Dangerous Dog Act 1991 this allows us to safely deploy teams to protect your property and premises that maybe under threat. Our dog handlers are highly trained (in line with British Standards 8517-1:2016), SIA Licensed, certified and fully insured.
Here at K9 Asset Protection Ltd we have a number of security dog handlers within our team. Each one is highly and thoroughly trained on a regular basis. They all hold qualifications accredited by NASDU, BIPDT and/or NTIPDU. It can be very beneficial to use a trained K9 unit for security as they are significantly more efficient at protecting property or premises. We also ensure that our vehicles are checked regularly to meet all relevant standards.
K9 teams are far more efficient at protecting premises than a single manned guard, just simply having a K9 on site is generally enough to deter most unwanted activity. K9 units are far more efficient in detecting and deterring unwanted activity and also locating any unwanted personnel on your site and any access points. Our units can deal with various situations due to there professional level of training leading them to be a very highly and cost effective solution to protecting property.
Our drug detection dogs are very effective when it comes to crowds, either at an event or business, and when dealing with members of the public who associate with controlled substances.